Source code for py1090.connection

import socket
import select
import io

from .message import Message

[docs]class Connection(io.TextIOWrapper): """File like object which can be used to read BaseStation messages from a TCP server. The connection can be used as contextmanager (:keyword:`with`-block) and as iterator: :: with Connection() as connection: for line in connection: print(line) Args: host(str): IP or hostname port(int): Port number """ def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=30003): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.connect((host, port)) # have to keep a reference of the wrapper, otherwise it is garbage collected at the end of # the __init__ function and we will get an error 'I/O operation on closed file'. self._wrapper = self.socket.makefile('r') super().__init__(self._wrapper.buffer, encoding=self._wrapper.encoding, errors=self._wrapper.errors) def __next__(self): # make this iterator non-blocking for Ctrl+C while not self.has_data(): pass return super().__next__()
[docs] def has_data(self): """Checks if the socket currently has data available for reading (using :py:func:``). Returns: bool: True if there is data available for reading, False otherwise. """ rlist, _, _ =[ self.socket ], [], [], 0) return len(rlist) > 0
[docs] def readmessage(self): """Reads a single line from the connection, parses it via :py:meth:`Message.from_string` and returns it. Returns: Message: next unread message from socket """ return Message.from_string(self.readline())
def __del__(self): self.socket.close()